Sunday, February 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday!

So, I have a problem with Menu Plans. It isn't that I hate having a plan, actually I'm big on planning. It's that I'm a rebel, well... as much of a rebel as I can be, lol. I don't like having assigned days for food. If I'm not feeling like quesadillas one night I don't want to eat them just because it is "assigned" today. Then it hit me, I don't HAVE to eat it on an assigned day.

Here is the way I menu plan. You will notice that there are more meals than days, that's because I'm big on cravings. If I'm not feeling up to something then I can always substitute.

My Chicken options for the week:

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Quesadillas

Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken Pot Pie

My Beef options for the week:

Stuffed Mexican Cornbread

Shepard's Pie


Tex-Mex Eggrolls

I have some vegetarian options as well, but this is a good start. I'll update next week with what we ate on what day before my next Menu Plan Monday post. I'll post some recipes as well. I love to cook so I'm always trying new things and if you have a great recipe for anything, let me know about it!!
Head on over to Org Junkie for more Menu Plan Monday posts and join in on the fun!


  1. Thanks for checking out my blog!

    I have to agree with you on the menu plan. I hate being locked into a certain meal each night. I just go ahead and plan a meal each night and then if one of the other nights meals sounds better we switch!

  2. how do you make tex-mex eggrolls?
    i do what you do- switch the nite if i feel like it :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my site today! Stuffed Mexican Cornbread sounds yummy!
